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您现在的位置是:首页 >> 产品中心 >> 工业软管 >> 疏浚管/Dredge >>RH 726 重型排泥管

RH 726 重型排泥管

RH 726 重型排泥管

应用范围: 重役型钢丝线绳增强胶管,作为柔性排泥管,适用于挖泥 操作中的输送含水的沙子和砾石混合物。适用于恶劣的工矿。带 内置橡胶保护法兰。也可提供扩口端口,建入式法兰端口。可作 成整体漂浮或部分漂浮式。
温度范围: -40°C (-40°F) 到 +70°C (+158°F)。
内层: 黑色,光滑,SBR/NR 橡胶,极耐磨,耐撕裂。
加强层: 由多层天然橡胶隔离的高强力钢丝线绳,有助于保持最 强的粘合力和灵活性。
外层: 黑色,光滑(表面布纹),合成橡胶,高耐海水,抗老化,耐油渍,耐磨。
可选择项: 1. 不同口径。

Discharge line hose in dredging operations
Application: heavy duty steel cord hose used as a flexible connection in discharge lines. Used in heavy-duty applications for delivery of sand, gravel and debris mixed with water.
Also available with: enlarged ends or built-in fittings with rubber protected flanges.
Possible to order with: portions of integrated flotation or fully integrated flotation.
Temperature: from -40°C (-40°F) to +70°C (+158°F).
Tube: black, smooth, SBR/NR rubber with excellent resistance to abrasion and lacerations.
Reinforcement: plies of steel wire cord divided by layers of rubber to improve the hose flexibility.
Cover: black, smooth (wrapped finish), synthetic rubber, highly resistant to sea water, weathering and abrasion.
Also available upon request: 1.Different diameters.

  • 产品详情
产品型号 内径  外径 工作压力 爆破压力 重量 长度
code inside diameter      outside diameter working pressure burst pressure weight nominal length 
RH 726 (in) (mm) (mm) (bar) (bar) (kg/m) (m)
RH 726-128 8 200 246 15 45 20.77 12
RH 726-160 10 254 310 15 45 31.42 12
RH 726-192 12 300 354 15 45 34.85 12
RH 726-224 14 350 401 15 45 41.08 12
RH 726-256 16 400 446 15 45 42.27 12
RH 726-288 18 450 496 15 45 47.25 12
RH 726-320 20 500 559 15 45 75.95 12
RH 726-372 23.25 590 666 15 45 108.71 12









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